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All-in-One Shoehorn and Reacher

HomeCatalogAids for Daily LivingAll-in-One Shoehorn and Reacher
All-in-One Shoehorn and Reacher
All-in-One Shoehorn and Reacher thumbnail
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All-in-One Shoehorn and Reacher

All-in-One Shoehorn and Reacher thumbnail

  FEATURES   * It's a Shoehorn - Claw Picks Up Shoes, then the Tongue to Slips Into Them Without Bending Over  * It's a Reacher - Remove Tongue and It's a Reacher to Grab and Pick Up Objects  * Available  View more

Essential Medical Supply


  * It's a Shoehorn - Claw Picks Up Shoes, then the Tongue to Slips Into Them Without Bending Over
  * It's a Reacher - Remove Tongue and It's a Reacher to Grab and Pick Up Objects
  * Available in Two (2) Lengths

Product Specifications
Length 26'' inchs

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